Thursday, July 16, 2009

About Me

So I realized as I was shredding carnitas for dinner (Oh! I should put recipes on here, too!). Okay, that's not what I realized -- that's just how my brain works. Anyway, I realized that in my "About Me," I didn't really put anything about me. It was all about my kids. (Telling, isn't it?) But since this blog is really about them, that was my intention. So who am I? I am a wife, a mother (really a mommy or a mama -- my kids aren't allowed to call me "mom" yet -- that'll make them seem old!), a daughter, a sister, a friend. I'm other things, too, but these are my most important, and favorite roles. Seven years ago teacher would have been near the top of that list. That is still a part of my life, but in a much different way. I am full of contradictions, too. I'm organized about some things (I can throw a kids' birthday party with the best of them), but terrible about others (don't mention baby albums in my presence). I like to think I'm thoughtful, yet I'm often terrible at remembering people's birthdays and thank you notes often get put on the back burner. I mostly subscribe to the attachment parenting philosophy (my babies have never really cried anything out) but we don't have a family bed and I don't nurse my kids much beyond two. We eat mostly organic, healthy food, but we have eaten our share of "Old McDonald's" as Zachary puts it. Juliette wears cloth diapers, but wears disposables, too. I try my best to be open-minded and nonjudgmental, but that is a struggle that is ongoing. I love to dance and sing, but hardly ever in public, and only then when it's dark and I've had a few drinks. I was a swimmer in my former life, too, and always feel at home in the water. The beach is my home. I'm realizing this summer that I love not being scheduled and so do my kids. And, (I have to put this in here for Cindy, Jenn, Kristen and Patty) I love tomatoes and I think watermelon or pineapple make for an awesome dessert. But I love ice cream, too.

1 comment:

  1. CRAP! This is what I get for not proofreading. I wrote "eated". Does anyone know how to edit these things? And did I spell judgmental right? I'm sure my computer has a dictionary but I don't know how to find it and I'm too lazy to get a real one. Love technology.
