Thursday, December 17, 2009

Zach, the Lego Maniac

I've always considered myself to be reasonably creative. I like to make things with my hands. I do calligraphy and other kinds of "cute" decorative writing. I can come up with clever party ideas. I can even come up with creative gift ideas. (All of this is when I am actually given the time to think, that is.) But when I am confronted with a pile of random Legos, I haven't a clue what to do with them. The best thing I can come up with is a very sturdy tower or maybe a really lame, boring four-wheeled vehicle. I'm truly at a loss as to what to do with them. If I'm given the instructions and a finite set of Legos, I have a chance at following the directions and creating something really cool. But it's something really cool that the Lego people invented, not I.

But Zachary is a Lego god. He can build anything his imagination wants him to build. We have ships of all sorts (pirate ships, space ships, ships owned by "good guys" and ships owned by "the bad robots") in all rooms of the house that he has created. He makes vehicles and buildings and anything he sets his mind to. It amazes me how creative he can be. He definitely takes after his father in this area, who is just as excited as Zachary is when a new Lego package arrives in our home. The two of them could build with Legos all day and make a lot more than just a sturdy tower. Zachary can even put the Lego people to shame with some of his creations.

Zachary struggles with a lot of things. We suspect that school will not be very easy for him. He doesn't know his letters and numbers and has difficulty remembering certain things. Of course this does not apply to any event that has happened EVER in his life -- he remembers it all -- or any place he's ever been or the plot to a book or movie. But some things just escape him. His sister, in contrast, excels in school. And we suspect that for her school will be easy. She has her sights set on Stanford and we don't doubt that she one day may go there. But creativity is not in her blood like it is in Zachary's. His imagination runs deep and his ability to see it to fruition is something I envy. I can't wait to see what will become of this little man. But I will bet big money that he will be using his hands and his imagination. What a gift.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool that he and Daddy have a love of building things! They will have lots of fun with that. Both you and Jason will support his talents, no matter where they take him.

    I'm enjoying your updates! We're heading to Oregon Saturday morning!
