I know I still haven't posted anything about Juliette's Rainbow Art Party. I will. I'm still deciding which pictures to use and I need a bigger chunk of time to do that. Someday I'll have a bigger chunk of time. Maybe when Juliette leaves for college.
So we had a little excitement this week in our house. Excitement in the form of scissors. Who has a guess as to where I'm going here? Yeah, you all do. Hair. Cut. Not pretty. I'd post pictures but I do want Juliette to still speak to me when she's a teenager. And I also want to save them for bribery.
Juliette was in her room for her nap on Monday. She almost never falls asleep immediately and sometimes she doesn't fall asleep at all. On Monday she did. And when she woke up I went in to cuddle with her. I did notice that her hair was horrible looking but isn't their hair always horrible when they wake up from their naps? And then I noticed in the trashcan in her room these beautiful long wisps of blondish brown hair (along with some clearly synthetic black and blond hair). And then I looked closer at her hair. Oh. My. God. Her hair was seriously scary. The bangs are awful. She took chunks out of the back and off the sides. All over. As one of my friends said, she looked like Billy Ray Cyrus. It was seriously mullet-like. Oh boy. Of course it happened on a Monday and no one is open on Mondays. Thank God for Supercuts! She now has a super cute bob cut. As she said, "My hair is really cute, Mommy. Everyone thinks my hair is cute."
Juliette's hair is cute. But I keep telling people not to comment. I don't want to encourage her to do it again!
My brother asked why I was upset by it all. He said I let her pick out her own clothes; it's Juliette's hair, why shouldn't I just let her choose how her hair should look. It's a great question. Why don't I let her choose how she wants her hair to look? Why was I upset? Do I care that much about what her hair looks like? On an every day basis, actually, no. I don't really care what her hair looks like. But for certain things, yes, I want her hair to look nice. For her dance pictures, where she's a part of a group, yes, I'd like her hair to look nice. I can't put her hair up because it's so short on the sides. I don't know how I'll even do the hair for the dance pictures and performance. But she's only four, and when we all look back on those pictures, we will all remember and have a laugh remembering how Juliette cut her hair. It's like the kid in Juliette's class who wears pajamas every day. I am so grateful that his mother let him wear his pajamas in the class picture. (Clearly a third child. No first born would ever be caught at preschool in their pjs unless it was pajama day!) I want to remember the kid who wore his pajamas every day. And really, how awesome is that?! Clearly this is a brilliant child. I would like to stay in my pajamas all day, too. That kid is a genius.
But there's more that upsets me. When I asked Juliette why she did it, she said, "I just wanted to be a little bit sneaky." So that upsets me. She cut her Polly Pockets' hair and the next day she cut the wigs' hair in the "beauty salon" at preschool the next day. Who's to say she's not going to go into her sister's room and cut the hair of the $100 American Girl Doll's hair. That's what I'm more upset about. It's a trust thing. She is having her nap now. I don't know what I'll find when I get in there. And I don't like feeling that way about one of my children.