Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Too Fast

I don't mean to harp on the fact that Juliette is getting older, but it really is starting to get to me. A few days ago she started her first "solid" foods. Both Annalise and Zachary hated the rice cereal, hated to be fed on a spoon. I think part of me kind of liked that, liked that they still had to really depend just on me for food. Even though I am envious of my friends whose babies will take a bottle and are able to leave them for more than 20 minutes, I know that part of me still really likes being the one and only. So I think I was secretly hoping that Juliette would spit out her rice cereal and turn her back on that spoon. But she didn't. She opened her mouth and shoved that spoon right in herself! (Adorable, too!) Check off one more milestone.

Then Jason moved the holy Tivo box into the cabinet. (It was resting on a speaker and we thought it was causing some interference. It turns out HGTV just does that for some reason.) So now we have to leave the cabinet open to work the TV. Not a problem for a while, right? No, the very same day the kid crawls across the room to mess with the stereo! What is it with kids and electronics? And then, after being redirected, she headed straight for the fireplace tools! What is it with kids and sharp, heavy objects? Check off another milestone. (The milestone being first attempt to cause bodily harm... Oh! I didn't even mention pulling over the floorlamp. Wow. We really need to babyproof.)

And now it has become obvious that we need to move the poor child into a bed suitable for a baby who can sit herself up, pull up on the sides of things and reach out of her little tiny bassinette. She also stretches from end to end. It's time, I know. But this will, in all likelihood, be the last time we have a bassinette in our bedroom. This will be the last time we construct the crib, the last time I will hear every sigh and whimper during the night. It might also mean I'll sleep better (did I mention it's 1:45?), but I'm sad all the same. Already I have to deal with Annalise going to school full day in less than a month and Zachary finishing parent ed and now being gone three mornings a week. It all goes by too fast. Too fast. At least Juliette still has no teeth (an Evans record by a mile) and very little hair. I know there are many more milestones to check off. And maybe I'll be one of those moms who can't wait for her kids to get their drivers' license. You never know.